收录时间:2016-01-02 | 网站分类:学习 | 点击出站1次 | 人气指数1522TV120网医在线
网医在线中国专业的在线医疗咨询互动平台,包括医学科普,网络医院, 在线医疗咨询,学术讲堂,健康视频讲座、名医访谈、健康科普视频等。更多?健康知识,尽在TV120网医在线。www120
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:健康 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数1163Godiva(高迪瓦)
Shop Godiva\'s selection of fine, gourmet chocolate indulgences and gifts for all occasions at Godiva. See our full selection of gift baskets & towers, recipes and more at the official site for Godiva Chocolate.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数893德芙巧克力(Dove)
德芙巧克力是中国巧克力市场的领导品牌,是人们心中独一无二的巧克力经典。 她独具魅力的丝滑口感与香醇回味,征服了众多爱好者的心,令品尝德芙巧克力的愉悦一刻,成为味觉与心灵的双重享受。
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数971Debauve & Gallais(黛堡嘉莱巧克力)
Offering a large variety of fine French chocolates. Includes company history and directions to stores in France.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站2次 | 人气指数956Chivas(芝华士)
Blended and aged Scotch whisky. Includes history and blending information.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数967芝华士(Chivas)
1801年成立于苏格兰阿柏丁的芝华士公司,是全世界最早生产调和威士忌并将其推向市场的威士忌生产商,同时也是威士忌三重调和的创造者。出于对威士忌事业的无比沉醉,芝华士兄弟遍访欧美大陆,成为最早发现威士忌酿制秘密的先驱。创始人James Chivas坚持认为保持品牌口味的一贯性是品牌的魅力所在,并开始创造有一贯质量保证的调和型威士忌。就这样,其品牌“芝华士”诞生于十九世纪九十年代。
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站2次 | 人气指数921Proactiv(高伦雅芙)
Heal and prevent acne with the proven acne treatment system. Discover how Proactiv® Solution can restore your healthy skin and prevent future acne breakouts.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数1035Revlon(露华浓)
Revlon was founded in 1932, by Charles Revson and his brother Joseph, along with a chemist, Charles Lachman, who contributed the \"L\" in the REVLON name. Starting with a single product - a nail enamel unlike any before it - the three founders pooled their meager resources and developed a unique manufacturing process.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数889Yves Rocher(伊夫·黎雪)
yves rocher usa, discover our catalogue and our online promotion offers on 700 natural co*etics products: anti-aging care, skin care, hair care, fragrance and makeup.
收录时间:2015-12-14 | 网站分类:品牌 | 点击出站0次 | 人气指数924
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